Headquartered in Sterling, Virginia, N+1 Technologies is a small, minority owned business that provides information technology solutions. For more than a decade, N+1 Technologies has supported clients in solving their most challenging IT problems by leveraging industry best practices, technology expertise and past successes. N+1 Technologies is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions that enable its clients to achieve competitive advantages and mission objectives in their respective markets.
The NASA SEWP (Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement) GWAC (Government-Wide Acquisition Contract) provides the latest in Information Technology (IT) products and services for all Federal Agencies and their approved contractors. The statutory authority allowing usage of the SEWP contracts by the entire Federal Government is NASA’s designation as an Executive Agent by OMB based on the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA) of 1996, now the Clinger Cohen Act.
The SEWP contracts offer a vast selection and wide range of commercial advanced technology, including:
- Desktops and servers
- ICT peripherals
- Network equipment
- Storage systems
- Security tools
- Software products
- Cloud based services
- Telecommunication
- Health ICT
- Video conferencing systems
- Other ICT and Audio-Visual products
SEWP also offers product based services such as installation, maintenance and other services related to in-scope products to all Federal Agencies (including Department of Defense) and their approved support service contractors. SEWP offers low prices and the easiest and fastest quoting and ordering procedures using pre-competed contracts.
Through SEWP, Agencies can find an exact fit for their needs at the best overall value by choosing the right solutions offered directly by leading hardware and software manufacturers and experienced government integrators and service providers.
Contract Number: NNG15SC87B
Business Designation(s): Small Business
Group: Group C
NAICS: 541519
Contract Type: Multi-award GWAC (Government-Wide Acquisition Contract)
Contract Users: Supports Information Technology (IT) product needs for all Federal Agencies
Ordering Period: Effective Date: May 1, 2015 – April 30, 2020
Option 1 – Effective May 1, 2020 thru April 30, 2025
Skyler Smith
Deputy Program Manager
Christopher Martin
Instructions for Placing Orders:
The SEWP Quote Request Tool (“QRT”) is the recommended method for obtaining quotes. When you would like to make a purchase, Delivery Orders (DOs) must be routed through the SEWP BOWL. Please do not send any DOs directly to N+1 Technologies, LLC. All DOs are processed within one business day after receipt of order (ARO) and are electronically forwarded to N+1 Technologies, LLC. via the SEWP BOWL.
Delivery orders are required to contain the following information for processing. If the below information does not appear on the delivery order, the order may not be processed, or processing may be delayed.
- Delivery Order Number (any valid Government DO is allowed)
- Quote from a SEWP Contract Holder verifying the viability of the order
- Date Delivery Order Issued
- SEWP Contract Number
- SEWP Contract Holder’s mailing address and phone number
- Issuing Office: Agency Name and Mailing Address
- Ship to Office: Agency Name and Mailing Address
- Total dollar amount of order
- Contracting Officer’s Signature
- Contracting Officer’s Phone Number
- Date Delivery Order Signed
- Line Items/Pricing
Fax orders and completed forms to: 301.286.0317
Email PDF or Image Files to:
Send orders and completed forms to: SEWP Program Office (BOWL) 10210 Greenbelt Road, Suite #200 Lanham, MD 20706
Telephone: 301.286.1478 | Fax: 301.286.0317
Note: (1) Please ensure all orders are accompanied by the SEWP Fax Cover Sheet. (2) All DOs greater than $5M must include a SEWP Fair Opportunity Form or equivalent information.
Fair Opportunity
FAR 16.505(b) (1) provides that each contractor shall be given fair opportunity to be considered for each order exceeding $3,000 and issued under multiple award contracts. The FAR states that the method to obtain fair opportunity is at the discretion of the CO and that the CO must document the rationale for placement and price of each order. Using the SEWP online Quote Request Tool is the recommended method to assist in this activity and to augment the required decision documentation. The SEWP QRT tool will automatically include the Contract Holders within a selected Group or based on a suggested source.
NOTE: Fair Opportunity to all Contract Holders within one or more SEWP Groups is required. There is no requirement to obtain 3 quotes as long as all Contract Holders within a Group were provided opportunity to provide a quote.
Please visit the Official NASA SEWP V website to view and download a complete up to date N+1 Technologies’ SEWP V CLIN List that includes all of N+1’s offered contract CLINs with associated CLIN Descriptions, Part Numbers, Manufacturers, Prices, 508 information, and Buy American information. It should be noted that the listed prices are “maximum allowable” prices and when product quotations are requested from N+1 Technologies the prices quoted may be lower. Instructions for obtaining N+1 Technologies’ SEWP V CLIN List follow:
Go to the Official NASA SEWP V website,
Standard Commercial Warranty included; Extended Warranty and Customized Options Available
As of October 1, 2020, the SEWP surcharge for all orders is a 0.34% The fee is included in the price of all products and is not separately listed on quotes. It is the Contract Holder’s responsibility to pay the fee from their quoted product prices.
NASA SEWP reserves the right to adjust all surcharge rates as the SEWP Program Management Office (PMO) budget so requires.
Note that the NASA SEWP Program Management Office (PMO) operates on a non-profit, selfcontained Full Cost Accounting Budget. The fees are set solely to fund the services and staff provided by the NASA SEWP Program Management Office (PMO). Collection of excess fees will result in either an increase in services, a decrease in the fee structure or a combination of the two.
Customer Service
For customer service and warranty on any order you have placed with us, please call 424-285-0015 or email